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Takeouts from the takeover

We recently took part in the Entrepreneurs' Forum's social takeover. Here's everything you need to catch up on the day's posts, links and further reading.

29th September 2021

Mark Easby

Mark Easby

Mark Easby

Written by Mark Easby,
Managing Director

Time flies when you’re having fun! We hope you all enjoyed our Entrepreneurs’ Forum social takeover. We’ve handily put together all of the day’s links, blog posts and further reading in one place.

Here you’ll find everything that was tweeted and mentioned — from brand thinking and advice through to Mark’s interview with Visualsoft CEO, Dean Benson, and the chance to win a proper good hamper.

Hopefully there’s something that you can take away to build a better business as well as a better brand.

Bath at Dropps

The majority of the day’s posts focussed on some of thought leadership pieces around building brands and the good practices to follow. Here’s what we covered and how you can find out more:

Dean Benson at VisualsoftAside from those posts, we also lined up some recent interviews; featuring our MD, Mark, alongside Visualsoft MD, Dean Benson, and Entrepreneurs’ Forum’s Michael Dixon. You can find links to both of those below.

Teesside Hamper CompetitionThink you know you’re brands? Simply answer our brand identity quiz for the chance to win a tasty Teesside hamper, featuring the best local produce from the likes of Rounton Coffee, Revelry Spirits, Pie Jackers, Three Brothers Brewing and Play Brew!

There’s still time to enter, but be quick. We’ll be closing the competition doors tomorrow (Thursday 30th September) at 12pm prompt.

A big thank you once again to Entrepreneurs’ Forum for letting us take over their Twitter, as well as to everyone who took part and got involved.

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