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The end of a crazy week

22nd May 2009

The end of a crazy week

The end of a crazy week

From Mark’s IfWeCanYouCan Blog.

Well, its been a crazy week. Its now over a week since the finalists where announced and time has just flown by.

Not only have we been hectic in the business working on a few proposals and the studio has been working all hours on client projects, we’ve also been trying to embrace the increased profile and new experiences that have come from being part of the IWCYC Campaign.

After just getting used to being featured in the local paper, The Evening Gazette, a number of times over the past week I was also asked to do a interview on BBC Radio Tees early on Friday morning. Although this is very exciting, I must admit it was pretty nerve wracking. It is now available on listen again on the BBC iPlayer website if your interested. I thought we both did a sterling job considering it was our radio debut!

…and then came the Entrepreneurs Forum Annual Conference…as mentioned in the other post (see below) this was an experience and a half! Photo shoots, interviews, drunken ‘divas’ as well as a number of people we didn’t know congratulating us and wanting to speak to us. What an experience.

So I am now wondering that the next few weeks will hold for us. No doubt we will continue with our day jobs and our work in the studio and look forward to some more new experiences to come. I’ll keep you updated as and when they do…

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