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Delivering Service Excellence with Newcastle University Business School

22nd August 2012

Delivering Service Excellence with Newcastle University Business School

Delivering Service Excellence with Newcastle University Business School

Date: Thursday 6th September 2012
Time: 13.45 – 18.30
Venue: Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SE

After the summer months, which hopefully present a chance to get away from the 9-5, we should come back to work feeling refreshed, revitalised, ready for new challenges, and with new ideas. With this in mind, the Business School is offering a unique chance for business leaders to get that extra ‘breathing space’ away from their desks, and to see how they can revitalise their firm when delivering their services.

For one day, regional businesses are invited to attend a free event to grasp the pieces of the jigsaw to develop and deliver service excellence within a company.

Book now by clicking here: Delivering Service Excellence


Service excellence enables organisations to meet customers’ demand for added value, and for the customer relationship to be a key element of their purchase experience.

Embracing the principles of service excellence creates happy customers and staff, word of mouth recommendations, and increased profits.

Planning ‘from the outside in’, supported by robust strategies of branding, quality, customer loyalty, and CSR enables organisations to enjoy the financial and benefits of service excellence, and inject freshness to the customer offering.

The workshop will draw on experts from each aspect area, who will share how their business focus delivers a part of the excellence jigsaw.

Objective of the programme:

  • Understand the importance of looking at the organisation through a customer’s eyes
  • Generate a plan for becoming customer-focused
  • Create an action list to begin the service excellence journey
  • Identify suitable approaches to strengthen aspects of the business to support service excellence
  • Outcomes


  • An appreciation of the changes in the nature of customer expectations
  • An understanding of the theories behind service excellence & examples
  • A practical knowledge of the benefits of service excellence
  • Frameworks for future use
  • Practical ideas about how service excellence might benefit their organisation
  • A set of action points to commence the service excellence journey
  • Learning Methods

The programme will be delivered with a variety of techniques designed to create experiential learning, as well as to introduce frameworks for structuring ideas.

The day will comprise of: workshop sessions, questionnaires, group and individual research, group work, games, personal reflection, idea generation, and speaker led discussion.

A questionnaire will be issued prior to the course so that input from delegate responses can be used during the course of the day, and so that research information is generated for future use.

Delegates will be provided with PostIt™ notes to write their questions as they occur.

Event Timetable:

Time Session Speaker
1.45 Arrival, registration, coffee

2pm The outside in approach – Fiona Urquhart/Fiona Thompson, Marketing Intuition
What does service excellence mean?
The two way benefits of service excellence
The origins of service as a differentiator
The need to understand customers and the service environment
Questionnaire identifying aspects of the organisation’s approach to customer service

2.30 pm The branding element – Mark Easby, Managing Director, Better.
Branding opens the door for relationships
Brand contacts form the relationship: make sure yours give the right message
Creating service brand relationships
Leveraging brand relationships
Branding and relationship marketing as the core of holistic marketing

3 pm The quality element – Sue Dobson Newcastle University Business School
What does quality mean? To the organisation, and the customer
Do or Die, Do or Decline and Do and Delight service levels
Measuring service quality
Quality as a component of trust
Open forum, using data gathered from delegates questionnaires sent prior to event as a starting point for discussion.

3.30pm The Loyalty Element – Guy Letts, Managing Director, Customersure
Creating the Win Win: What does loyalty give customers, and what does it give organisations?
How to build loyalty through meeting customer expectations
Sustaining long term relationships with staff and customers
A practical look at the changes required to make loyalty work for your organisation

4 pm
Afternoon tea

4.30 People: The catalyst that makes it all work – Annette Rowe, Baxi Partnership
The soft stuff is the hard stuff – managing change
Creating a culture of ownershipRewarding performance
Building staff loyalty

5pm Service failure and recovery encounters as critical ‘moments of truth’ – Professor Klaus Schoefer, Newcastle University Business School
This session will draw upon available marketing theory and empirical evidence in order to provide answers to questions such as:
How do customers respond to service failures?
Why is service recovery management important?
How do customers evaluate a service recovery experience?
What does an effective service recovery management system look like?

5.30 Innovative thinking – Fiona Urquhart, Fiona Thompson, Marketing Intuition
A practical session with exercises on:-
Opening mindsets
Stimulating creativity/innovative thinking within the organisation

6 pm
Speaker panel Using delegate questions posted on whiteboard at the front throughout the day

Book now by clicking here: Delivering Service Excellence

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