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Keep Your Business Fighting Fit Conference

3rd August 2011

Mark Easby

Mark Easby

Mark Easby

Written by Mark Easby,
Managing Director

Many conferences make the claim that they are designed for their audiences, but -Business Link has literally asked attendees at the popular Keep Your Business Fighting Fit series of workshops “What do you need to be Fighting Fit?”, using the feedback to design this year’s Fighting Fit programme.

Over 50% of delegates attending the workshops answered “Social Media”. With such interest in this area, the programme was put together to include a Master Class on the subject delivered by Stokesley based brand & design agency, Better. Declan Metcalfe, Marketing Director is delivering the master class which will give the big picture on Social Media, looking at strategy, case studies of successes and how to make Social Media really work for your business and include Better’s own story of success.

Date: Wednesday 14th September 2011
Time: 8:30am
Location: The Hilton, Newcastle Gateshead

Declan says; “Businesses need to be as visible as possible in a tough economy. They need to be seen where their customers are making decisions and that is increasingly online. Who would make a purchasing decision without checking out the company or the product online first? It’s become the norm.

As a means of communication the growth of some social media tools is unprecedented. It’s a new space that offers businesses huge opportunities to understand their customer and create deeper high value relationships with little investment other than time.

I think the conference will give the people attending the chance to see how other businesses, like our own, are successfully using social media to grow their profiles online and apply some of the practical advice to their own businesses. I’m sure everyone will leave with ideas they can implement immediately and I find that a really exciting prospect.”

Business Link’s Fighting Fit conference consists of a full programme of keynote speakers, practical workshops and showcases of best practice, with the theme of the conference being around managing and implementing change.

Jess Faith, Event Coordinator for Business & Enterprise Group (BE-G) who deliver the Business Link service in the North East says: “Fighting Fit 2011 has been put together using feedback from attendees at the workshops that have been running throughout the year, therefore we are certain that it will be relevant and meaningful to the audience. Speakers Damian Hughes, Author of The Liquid Thinker and Roger Flynn previously of Virgin Group PLC will provide inspirational and motivational keynotes both with a wealth of experiences to share.”

The Keep Your Business Fighting Fit website

“Based on feedback from last year’s conference, we are really pushing the networking aspect of the event, with 300 delegates from regional SMEs, we are embracing social networking with the use of a Twitter Forest and people can start tweeting about the conference and even arranging a “Tweet Up” by using #FFit2011 and following us on @kybfightingfit.

Tickets are only £35 (inc VAT) including lunch, refreshments and parking.

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